Hi to all our clients, partners & friends
I would just like to send my condolences to any of you who may have lost a loved one or friend or colleague during the past year due to the COVID pandemic.
As we have all settled into the new norm with social distancing, lockdowns and limited travel. An essential part of life established from the very first day our existence, close personal contact has been severely disrupted and guidance now given that in order to preserve life we should avoid what is intrinsically embedded in us as humans.
This intrinsic human requirement has & does also play an important part in business when developing business relationships with suppliers, service providers and international partners. Now these business relationships that were previously concluded in person, face to face with a hand shake, are being concluded by email, and the now all too familiar Zoom video conference call.
We at FATS have also believed & operated under the Modus Operandi, that we, become not just your service provider or international partner in South Africa, but rather we become a part of or an extension of your business regardless the role required. We become your logistics department, your office in South Africa or your representative to facilitate your cargo, no matter how big or small is delivered, timeously, effectively and cost effectively.
This is our pledge to you our clients, partners and friends. And this we will execute through our systems which have set-up to operate efficiently & effectively whether our team at FATS are working from home, in our offices or in a foreign country.
Our success is ultimately closely linked to the success of each & every one of our clients or partners and together we grow in strength.
So to those we have not met in person, whom we have not met in person, face to face, not closed the deal with a hand shake. We assure you that we will do so in the nearby future when all is safe & this pandemic has past.
Let Us Take The Load Off Your Mind